This Frisian sugar bread recipe is native to the Dutch province of Friesland. It's softer than a cloud with a stunning marbling of cinnamon-coated pearl...
This delicious and moist banana bread is low in fat, high in vitamins, high in fiber, and all around good for you. A huge hit among my health conscious...
This is a traditional Danish rye bread made easy with the use of a bread machine. (It can be made using traditional methods, of course.) The bread is highly...
This is my mother's recipe. She makes it several times a week for some function or another. My sister loves this so much she has to control herself or...
This is a family favorite made easy. Preparing the dough in a bread machine saves time kneading the dough by hand. My grandmother used to make these when...
I gave this recipe to my daughter who has 6 children. They love this, and it is so simple they can make it themselves which they love to do. If desired,...
I love ice cream - especially Ben and Jerry's® - and I'm always looking for ways to include them in my recipes. This simple recipe, containing only 3...
This is a sweet and delicious version of regular nut bread, but for the vegan-lovin' hippies - or heart happy. I always have brown bananas! I love this...
After trying someone's coconut bread recipe that didn't turn out well, I changed the proportions, added a few new ingredients, and came up with this version....
Hearty wheat bread with nutty flavor and lots of good tasting seeds. All the seeds and the Vital Wheat Gluten were available at my local health food store....
Rhubarb, cinnamon, and nuts create the perfect combination in this delightful, spring-worthy bread. It keeps up to 3 days, wrapped and at room temperature,...
This bread has all the qualities of a quick bread plus great texture and a heavenly crust. The riper the bananas, the better the flavor. Steel-cut oats...
This was a great way to use up those bananas that have been sitting on the counter and those strawberries that were sitting in the fridge! Super tasty...
I have been baking with Bob's Red Mill® organic whole wheat pastry flour for some time. I could never get my banana bread recipe right, until now. This...
This recipe has been in my family for generations. It's incredibly delicious with a wonderful spice flavor. Try to use coffee cans to bake them in - makes...
Invented for my daughter to take to a tea party, this is only ho-hum straight out of the oven . . . but the next day? Wonderfully moist and sweet. These...
This bread machine cake is very moist, but not exactly a coffee cake. This bread was an experiment that turned out to be pretty good for breakfast (or...
Searching for recipes for a gluten-free diet can be challenging during the holidays. Here is a recipe for Irish soda bread that I have adapted over time...
Tired of throwing out old bananas? This recipe is a moist, flavorful, and low-fat way to save those bananas and keep your kids coming back for more. No...
This is a delicious orange sweet bread recipe that has been passed down in my family for several generations. It is a Greek tradition to serve this bread...
A rich eggy dough is twisted into pretty flowers, then filled with jam in this decadent Easter bread. Be sure to look at the pictures for how it is formed....